Apa itu InstaForex PAMM?
Ia adalah satu pelaburan pasif untuk mereka yang kurang mahir trading forex atau masih baru. Trader yang berpengalaman juga boleh gunakan sistem ini untuk diversify risiko.
Pelanggan boleh memilih untuk menjadi:
Investor – melabur wang ke trader pilihan dan kongsi keuntungan.
Trader - trade wang para investor dan dapat komisen dari keuntungan yang dibuat.
Apakah kelebihan sistem PAMM InstaForex?
Ia dapat mengelakkan berlakunya penipuan yang biasa dalam pelaburan konvensional dengan mengumpul semua wang investor ke dalam akaun trader. PAMM memberikan kuasa penuh kepada pemilik akaun untuk membuat keputusan. Maksudnya urusan deposit dan withdrawal adalah tanggungjawab masing-masing.
Bagaimanakah proses pembahagian untung?
Sistem PAMM adalah automatik sepenuhnya. Namun nisbah pembahagian untung adalah berdasarkan apa yang telah ditetapkan oleh Trader tersebut. Contohnya 30% (trader) dan 70% (investor).
Berapakah modal minimum?
Sama seperti di atas, iaitu bergantung dengan Trader. Ada yang serendah $1 hingga ribuan dolar. Maka carilah trader terbaik yang menepati kemampuan anda.
Di mana untuk memilih Trader PAMM?
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Akaun Standard dalam currency USD.
Cara mendaftar
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Membolehkan investor request semua dana (berhenti melabur). Tetapi harus diingat, sekiranya request tersebut semasa trade belum close, ada caj penalti yang dikenakan.
"Few financial industries generate as much excitement and profit as currency exchange. Traders around the world enter trades for weeks, days or split seconds, generating explosive moves or steady flows, and money changes hands quickly at a staggering daily average of a trillion US dollars. Forex profitability is legendary. George Soros of Quantum Fund realized a profit in excess of 1 billion dollars for a couple of days work in September 1992. Hans Hufschmid of Soloman Brothers, Inc. netted $28 million for 1993. Even by Wall Street standards, these numbers are heartstoppers".*
Despite its high trading volume and its fundamental role in the world, the Forex Market is rarely in the media limelight because its method of trading transaction is less visible than the Floor of a Stock Exchange. However, trading on the Foreign Currency Exchange Market is today surging into the public awareness, as flocks of internet traders are attracted by the market's inherent profitability and risk manageability. Add to this the absence of geographic or temporal boundaries and vibrantly active Forex market is open to all players.
* "Trading in the Global Currency Markets", Cornelius Luca, 2000
Many beginning Forex traders wonder how the Forex brokers earn their money on the common traders, if they are not casinos. Understanding the basic principles of the brokers’ economics will help traders to distinguish real Forex brokers from the «bucket shop» scams and the ethical companies from the unethical. Here is the list of the most common ways for the Forex broker to earn money:
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Golden Trading Opportunities
Gold Prices on the Rise—Keep an Eye on AUD/USD
The bull market for commodities is back. After falling close to 25 percent between mid-May and mid-June, gold prices are on the rise once again. Between the middle and the end of this month, gold prices have rebounded 11 percent. Now that we have also broken back above the key psychologically important $600 mark, the rally could extend all the way up to the $720 high that was reached in mid-May. The Federal Reserve recently hinted that 5.25 percent interest rates could be the top, and in reaction, the US dollar has fallen quite significantly. As an additional byproduct, gold prices are higher as traders reverse their long dollar positions. Gold is not only proving to be a popular anti-dollar position but also a hedge for the impact of rising geopolitical risks and concerns for inflation pressures. However, not many people realize that going long the Australian dollar and short the US dollar offers a similar opportunity but also the unique benefit of earning interest income.
Gold is Becoming the Oil Hedge
With other commodities such as oil, silver, and copper also rebounding, many investors have turned to gold as a hedge for rising inflation. According to recent comments by Barclays Capital as reported by the Wall Street Journal, compared to 1999, institutional money managers have three times the amount of capital tied in commodities at the current moment. In addition, their survey indicates that pension funds and hedge funds are also looking to increase their exposure in gold by 1 to 10 percent. Since gold is being used as a diversification tool, it could stay lifted even if other commodity prices begin to fall. The survey also reports that when it comes to fund based commodity investments, 40 percent of the investments in gold are expected to be kept for three years or longer, and an additional 28 percent plan to hold on for at least 18 months or more. Gold has always been seen as the world’s ultimate form of safe haven investment and the only true form of wealth. With so much uncertainty in the world in terms of economic growth and geopolitics, it is no surprise that many investors, big and small have chosen to hedge their investments through gold.
Economic Risks
The economic risks that have increased the attractiveness of gold as an investment is twofold. The first is the impact of oil which acts as a tax for consumers. As oil prices continue to rise, its potential to impact on growth becomes more significant. The fear is that the current all-time highs in oil will eventually have a more meaningful influence on the pocketbooks of consumers. According to a study by the IMF in 2000, every $5 increase per barrel of oil causes industrial countries as a group to see a 0.3 percentage point fall in real GDP while real demand sees a greater short-term loss of 0.4 percentage points. The impact for the US and Europe tends to be even greater since the industrial country average includes two countries (the UK and Canada) that are net oil exporters. Therefore, the $12 rise in oil since the beginning of the year will probably shave 0.7 percent off of global growth.
The second economic risk is the slide in the US dollar. Many central banks have traditionally parked a lot of their money in the US dollar. However, with the growing current account deficit, the soon-to-be-end to the Federal Reserve tightening cycle, and the uncertainty posed by the housing bubble along with oil, the general belief is that the dollar could fall even further. If this is true, then their dollar-denominated investments could erode significantly as the value of the dollar declines. The fear that any gains in the US stock or bond markets would be erased by a depreciation in the US dollar has been a big reason why many central banks and hedge funds have been looking to alternative places such as gold to park their money.
Political Risks
The biggest hotspots that everyone is talking about at the moment are undoubtedly Iran and North Korea. There have been rumors that North Korea could test a long range missile near Japan while Iran has recently been successful in enriching uranium for the first time. The UN has called for them to halt further deployment, and they have responded by threatening to end UN contacts. Although the UN is still trying to seek a diplomatic solution, the US has not ruled out military strikes. In response, Iran has issued warnings on US interests around the world by saying that they will respond to any blow with “double the intensity.” Meanwhile, Russia has most recently said that they would supply air defense systems to Iran while China continues its plans to secure oil resources in the country. With no resolution in sight and these two big powers taking an interest in Iran, any military engagement by the US could get complicated. Therefore, gold is the best investment in times of geopolitical uncertainties, and this seems to be exactly what traders and investors are doing at the moment.
Currencies in Lieu of Direct Commodities
If you think that gold is going to continue to move higher, the most logical trade is to buy the commodity outright; however, that may not be the best trade. Certain currencies are highly correlated with commodities while requiring less margin and offering the benefit of earning interest. For gold, the closest correlation is with the Australian dollar / US dollar currency pair (AUD/USD). The two products have an 80 percent positive correlation. The margin to hold AUD/USD and to earn interest in a regular account is $2000, which compares to an overnight margin of $2,228 for gold futures. For the mini contracts, AUD/USD requires a margin of $200 compared to $743 for mini sized gold.
The correlation between gold and AUD/USD comes from the fact that Australia is the world’s second largest gold producer behind South Africa so it stands to benefit greatly whenever gold prices rise. However the relationship doesn’t just end there. Australia benefits not only from the rise in gold but also the rise in many other commodities. The country is also a major producer of Copper, Nickel, Aluminum, and Zinc, which are all either at multi-decade or record highs. There is a limited supply of the yellow metal, and with talk of more central banks such as China possibly shifting additional reserves to tangible assets like gold, the commodity could continue to rise. However, a real push towards $850 would require significant weakness in the US dollar and maybe even a global slowdown, which is not out of the realm of possibility given the current risks to the US housing market. What does not require a global slowdown though is China’s continued demand for steel, copper, and zinc. Therefore, the Australian dollar is the real commodity play from the perspective of gold or more industrial metals.
On the flip side, stronger gold typically comes hand in hand with a weaker dollar. If the US economy begins to weaken, giving the Federal Reserve reason to pause in August and then maybe even reason to consider lowering rates shortly after that, the dollar will be punished significantly. During that time, traders will be looking for a safer haven, and in that case, there is no better safe haven than gold itself. Central banks around the world have already been increasing their gold exposure in fear of a dollar collapse. The end of the Fed cycle gives them an even better reason to switch now than later.
Therefore, it makes sense that the AUD/USD has a very strong positive correlation with gold as shown in the graph below. However, the benefit of trading the AUD/USD over gold is that AUD/USD currently offers the ability to earn interest since Australian interest rates are higher than US interest. Furthermore, it offers mild diversification off of the same view, which some traders may find beneficial. Therefore, if you think gold prices will continue to move higher, keep an eye on AUD/USD.
Pengenalan Kepada Forex
Kadar tukaran Matawang Asing (Forex) “Trading” mengizinkan pelabur untuk menyertai dan membuat keuntungan berdasarkan naik turun matawang dunia. “Trading Forex” berfungsi dengan memilih gabungan dua matawang kemudian mengaut keuntungan atau kerugian berdasarkan turun naik salah satu harga matawang di pasaran berbanding dengan yang lain. Sebagai contoh, turun naik harga matawang U.S Dollar $ adalah diukur dengan matawang lain seperti £ British Pound, € Eurodollar, ¥ Japanese Yen dan sebagainya. Mampu untuk melihat tren-tren harga dalam kegiatan pasaran adalah intipati semua dagangan menguntungkan dan inilah yang membuatkan mata wang asing sangat menarik, pasaran matawang dunia adalah pasaran yang terbaik.Inilah yang memberikan pelabur-pelabur tukaran mata wang asing peluang untuk membuat keuntungan yang tidak terdapat di pasaran-pasaran yang lain.
“Trading Forex” telah digelar sebagai pelaburan kini yang memberikan peluang keseronokan kepada pelabur “savvy”. Sebab itulah pasaran dagangan tukaran mata wang asing hanya bermula dalam tahun 1978, bila matawang seluruh dunia dibenarkan terapung berdasarkan permintaan dan penawaran, selepas 7 tahun Standard Emas terbengkalai.Selepas tahun 1995, “Trading Forex” hanya dibenarkan kepada bank-bank dan perbadanan multinasional besar,tetapi pada hari ini,tahniah kepada percambahan komputer dan satu era baru bagi internet berpangkalan teknologi-teknologi komunikasi, pasaran yang menguntungkan ini terbuka kepada semua orang.
Tidak seperti dagangan tradisi yang mengkehendaki pembeli dan penjual berada di lokasi yang sama (“trading floors”) tetapi di forex “Trading” mereka tidak perlu untuk berada di lokasi yang sama. Forexa dalah sebuah pasaran di mana peniaga-peniaga di seluruh dunia menjalankan perniagaan yang disambungkan dengan rangkaian internet yang berkelajuan tinggi yang menghubungkan dengan Interbank Foreign Currency Exchange via Forex Clearinghouses (juga dikenali dengan Firma Broker Forex). Forex bukan sahaja dikenali dengan pasaran pertumbuhan yang paling pesat tetapi juga sebagai tempat pasaran yang PALING MENGUNTUNGKAN SEKALI DI DALAM DUNIA INI.
Dalam erti kata lain, Forex adalah yang paling menguntungkan kerana ia adalah pasaran terbesar dunia. Pasaran matawang asing adalah akaun keseluruhan bagi 4 Trillion dollars yang didagangkan setiap hari (seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange yang ke empat dan Derivatives Market Activity, 1998. Angka ini dikatakan telah meningkat pada hari ini.) Bagi meletakkan ke dalam perspektif, di mana-mana hari diberi kegiatan pasaran pertukaran matawang asing adalah jauh lebih hebat daripada pasaran saham. Ia adalah 75 kali lebih besar daripada New York Stock Exchange di mana jumlah nilai purata keseluruhan sehari ( menggunakan rajah 1998) bagi kedua-dua pasaran saham asing dan dalam negeri adalah $16 bilion, dan lebih hebat lagi daripada aktiviti harian di bursa saham London, dengan $11 bilion.
Tambahan pula, sebagai penambahan untuk menjadi pasaran yang terbesar dan menguntungkan, pasaran Forex adalah yang paling berkuasa dan pasaran dagangan berterusan tanpa mengira petunjuk ekonomi negatif. Ini adalah kerana tren matawang yang lebih baik dari pasaran lain berdasarkan sifat makro-ekonomi mereka. Tidak seperti komoditi lain yang membuat penawaran dan permintaan yang boleh berubah dalam tempoh semalaman ( seperti yang dijumpai di “sudden dot com” ‘market adjustment’ dan lebih mengejutkan lagi pada 11 September, 2001), asas-asas matawang adalah kurang rawak, dan jauh boleh diramalkan. Ini adalah ilustrasi sihat dalam kadar faedah yang bertukar secara beansur-ansur dan hanya mengalami kenaikan yang kecil.
Contoh lain yang boleh diramalkan ialah ilustrasi bagi statistik berikut. Bagi $1.2 trilion dagangan sehari dalam pertukaran matawang asing, 83% melihat aktiviti pertukaran asing dan 95% swap beraktiviti melibatkan US Dollars. Euro adalah mata wang kedua yang paling aktif pada 37%. Yen Jepun (24%) dan British Pound Sterling (10%) adalah tempat ketiga dan keempat. Swiss franc ialah 17% dan
“Spot Forex” adalah sejenis “Forex trade” yang dimana para “trader” menumpukan kepada aktiviti pelaburan dengan alasan yang telah jelas dengan sendirinya. Maksud transaksi “Spot Forex” adalah dimana transaksi “trade” matawang dijalankan dengan maksimum 2 hari bekerja diikuti dengan penutupan “trade” tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun “Spot Forex” membenarkan seorang “trader” yang mempunyai kecairan modal yang tinggi. Satu lagi ciri yang popular ialah dimana seorang “trader” yang mempunyai potensi dengan keuntungan yang tinggi apabila mereka membeli satu matawang khusus apabila ia dalam keadaan lemah dan menjual kembali apabila ia kembali kukuh dan berterusan untuk matawang yang kukuh menandingi matawang yang lemah. Potensi untuk untung dan rugi bergantung pada kesan daripada “leverage”. “Leverage” adalah dimana sejumlah wang yang kecil mengawal sejumlah wang yang besar. Sebagai contoh, faktor “leverage” 100 boleh membenarkan seseorang “trader” itu memegang posisi 100,000 US Dollar hanya dengan modal 1,000 US Dollar margin. Ini adalah kerana “Spot Forex” boleh mengawal risiko bagi kemasukkan dan pengeluaran “trading” dan ditambah dengan potensi untuk menjana keuntungan yang tinggi.
"Few financial industries generate as much excitement and profit as currency exchange. Traders around the world enter trades for weeks, days or split seconds, generating explosive moves or steady flows, and money changes hands quickly at a staggering daily average of a trillion US dollars. Forex profitability is legendary. George Soros of Quantum Fund realized a profit in excess of 1 billion dollars for a couple of days work in September 1992. Hans Hufschmid of Soloman Brothers, Inc. netted $28 million for 1993. Even by Wall Street standards, these numbers are heartstoppers".*
Walaupun mempunyai isipadu yang tinggi dan peranan yang besar di dunia, Namum pasaran Forex adalah jarang menjadi tumpuan dari media kerana cara urusniaga nya yang tidak dapat dilihat berbanding dengan Bursa saham, namun urusniaga di pertukaran matawang asing ini semakin mendapat kesedaran dari umum, kerana ia adalah pasaran yang menguntungkan dan mempunyai kawalan risiko. Tambahan ianya pula tiada ganguan geografi dan tanpa sempadan, dengan senang Forex boleh dan dibuka kepada semua orang.
* "Trading in the Global Currency Markets", Cornelius Luca, 2000
US Dollar: Comments of the FRS President, Ben Bernanke, who stated on Monday, that the American dollar would still be considered the principal world currency, increased the confidence of the market participants.
The US trade balance, which was published on Tuesday, amounted to - $27.6 billion dollars, instead of -$29.2 billion dollars according to the forecasts. This fact reinforced the investors’ optimism.
Euro: Due to the increased willingness of the market participants to take risks and released positive fundamental news, the EUR/USD pair established its maximum around $1,3670.
British Pound: Promising fundamental news from the Great Britain rendered positive impact on the British pound. Particularly, the monthly and yearly manufacturing production data demonstrated a much better results, than forecasted.
The GBP/USD pair established its session maximum in the range of $1,5335.
Japanese Yen: The USD/JPY pair traded in the range of Y97.05 – Y97.65.
Oil: The oil prices continued to consolidate on Tuesday.
Gold: Due to the weakened dollar on Tuesday, the gold rate had a confident upwards movement and reached the level of $925.80 per ounce.
Silver: Following the gold rate, silver prices demonstrated a sharp increase as well.
On the first day of the trading week due to the speculations regarding the weakening of the financial crises, the shelter-currencies turned out to be under pressure. But at the same time the market participants were expecting the results of the 19 leading US banks’ stress-tests, and were pressured by the expectations that not all the banks would pass this test. On Monday after the negative fundamental news, published in Euro zone, the European currencies turned out to be under pressure. Particularly, the retail sales data in Germany demonstrated a much lower level, then forecasted. And the EUR/USD pair dropped to the session minimum in the range of $1.3222. But by the end of the day the European currency managed to rehabilitate, since the market participants showed their willingness to take risks. Consequently, the Japanese yen continued to drop against the major currencies, since the demand for the low-risk assets decreased.
The oil prices grew thanks to the weakened dollar. The data regarding the decreased oil OPEC inventories due to the extraction interruptions in Nigeria influenced the increased oil prices as well. And the gold rate exceeded the $900.00 level.
On Tuesday the published statement of the FRS President, Ben Bernanke, that the US economy decline rate slowed down, rendered some support to the American dollar. And the drop of the monthly and yearly Euro-zone production price index for March had a negative influence on the euro dynamics. But due to the European stock market growth, the euro currencies rehabilitated temporarily, and the EUR/USD pair demonstrated its daily minimum at the level of $1.3320, but then regained its positions to the $1.3396 mark.
On the same day in accordance with the forecasts, the Australian Central Bank left the principal interest rate unchanged at the level of 3%, which did not have any impact on the trading dynamics.
On Tuesday the gold price dynamics was diversified. The “yellow metal” was supported by the speculations regarding the increased gold reserve in China and by the suspicions of the stress-test results. At the same time the gold rate was under pressure after the rehabilitation of the American dollar.
At the beginning of the trading session on Wednesday, the American dollar started strengthening as a shelter-currency due to the market participants’ unwillingness to take risks. This was a consequence of the negative stress-test results’ expectations. Therefore, the EUR/USD pair dropped to the $1.3240 level. At the same time, rather promising fundamental news were published in the US. Unexpectedly, the ADP employment change turned out to be considerably better, then the forecasts. And the EUR/USD pair increased temporarily to $1,3373.
In the middle of the week the oil rate reached the level of $55,53 per barrel after the published information regarding the slow-down of the oil inventories rate growth in the US.
During the first part of the day on Thursday, the US Minister of Finances, Timothy Geithner, confirmed that none of the tested banks would be threatened by the bankruptcy. This information had a strengthening impact on the American dollar. According to the experts’ prognosis, the ECB reduced the principal rate for 25 basic points till the level of 1,00%. The factory orders in Germany, which were published on Thursday, unexpectedly demonstrated a much better results, than forecasted. Therefore the euro dynamics changed to the positive direction. The EUR/USD pair established a maximum at the level of $1,34. According to the expectations as well, the Bank of England left the principal rate unchanged at the level of 0,50%. And the announcements regarding the increasing purchase volume of bonds in Great Britain had a negative impact on the sterling.
During the whole week the silver rate demonstrated a more significant increase, then the gold rate.
On Friday in accordance with the expectations, the change in the US non-farm payrolls demonstrated better results, compared to the forecasts, which rendered support to the high-yielding currencies.
Happy trading!
The goal of building long-term wealth through investing can be best achieved by consistently employing a disciplined investment process having a demonstrable statistical “edge” at a level of risk that ensures capital is never eroded to such an extent that the investor loses faith in the process.
FOREX MANAGER2U believes that a well designed trading system which has been developed to suit the investor’s risk tolerance is a necessary component of a successful investment process. A trading system represents a set of rules for making entry, exit and position sizing decisions. These rules may be mechanical and objective or they may be discretionary and subjective. We prefer the former over the later because:
We have incorporated a number of beliefs in our trading and risk-management system. These are summarized below:
A successful investment process consists of more than just a good trading system. We believe that a healthy attitude resulting from a through understanding of the investor’s psychology is crucial both in the development of the trading system and its ongoing implementation. The weak link in the process requires a well thought out investment plan covering all aspects of the process from the minimum capital required to make the process work through to a disaster recovery plan.
Forex trading strategies are based on fundamental and technical types of analysis. This article gives you a better understanding of both types and ways of implementing them into your Forex trading strategies.
Political and economic changes are the basis here as they frequently affect currency prices. Traders relying on this analysis gather information about unemployment forecasts, political ideologies, economic policies, inflation and growth rates from news sources. Most traders combine Forex trading strategies to plot actual entrance and exit points and double-check the information.
Forex trading strategies consider that just like most markets the market is controlled by supply and demand. The two most critical affecting factors for them are interest rates and the strength of the economy that is affected by changes in the GDP, trade balances and the amount of foreign investment.
There are many indicators released by government and academic sources on a weekly or monthly basis. The most important and commonly followed are: interest rates, international trade, CPI, durable goods orders, PPI, PMI and retail orders. These are pretty reliable measures of economic health and are closely followed by all traders that rely on fundamental analysis while mapping out their Forex trading strategies.
Interest rates can strengthen or weaken the currency. In some cases high interest rates attract foreign money, however high interest rates frequently cause stock market investors to sell off their portfolios. They do so believing that the higher cost of borrowing money will adversely affect many companies. If enough investors sell off their holdings it can cause a downturn in the market and negatively affect the economy. Which of these two effects will take place, depends on many complex factors. Usually economic observers agree on how the current change in interest rates will affect the general economy and currency prices.
International Trade. If there is a trade deficit, it is usually considered a negative indicator, as more money is leaving the country than entering it. This can have a devaluing effect on the currency, but usually trade imbalances are already factored into the market consideration. If a country normally operates with a trade deficit, currency price should be unaffected. It will change if the deficit is greater than expected.
The cost of living (CPI) and the cost of producing goods (PPI) are important indicators as well. You should also watch the GDP (the value of all the goods produced in the country) and the M2 Money Supply which measures the total amount of currency for a country.
In the US alone there are 28 major indicators that have a strong effect on the financial market and should be closely watched. This information can be found on the Internet and is provided by many brokers. Use it for working out your Forex trading strategies.
It is based on the following assumptions:
1. Combined market forces (political events, economic conditions, seasonal fluctuations, supply and demand) cause currency price movements considered in Forex trading strategies.
2. Currency prices on the Forex market follow trends. Predictable consequences have been linked with many recognized market patterns.
3. Forex trading strategies can rely on historical trends to predict current price movements. Forex market data has been collected for the last 100 years, over that time certain patterns have become emergent. Human psychology and the way people react to certain circumstances are the basis of these patterns.
Most traders consider technical analysis to be of critical importance even though they may also use fundamental analysis to support and confirm their Forex trading strategies. Unlike fundamental analysis, technical analysis can be applied to many currencies and markets at the same time. Since fundamental analysis requires detailed knowledge of the economic and political conditions of a certain country, it is nearly impossible for any single trader to perform it properly on more than a few countries.
Forex beginners may consider the complexities of technical analysis overwhelming and even unnecessary but if you wish to ensure the success of your Forex trading strategies do not ignore both analysis types.
Any quality online Forex broker should be able to supply you with a large variety of online charts for technical analysis. Working out your Forex trading strategies, you can purchase in-depth professional charts, there is usually a monthly fee involved in gaining access to this information. There is also free software available to help you with charting. Good charts are updated in real time.
Mapping out your Forex trading strategies, you should learn the market and study trends before you begin active trading. Most brokers will provide you with a practice account where you can place "paper trades" - practice trades where no real money is made or lost. But they act just like a real trade, so you can see exactly how your trade would have turned out if you had placed it for real. This allows you to become familiar with your broker's system as well as learning about the market without risking any money.
The second part of this article explores various charts and indicators you need to use while planning your unique Forex trading strategies.
Price charts can be simple line, bar or even candlestick graphs. They show prices during specified time intervals that can be anywhere from minutes to years.
Line charts are the easiest to read, they give a broad overview of price movement. They only show the closing price for the specified interval and make it easy to pick out patterns and trends.
With a bar chart the length of a line displays the price spread during the time interval. The larger the bar, the greater the price difference between the high and low price for that interval. It is easy to tell at a glance if the price rose or fell, because the left tab shows the opening price and the right tab the closing price. Then the bar will give you the price variation.Pprinted bar charts can be difficult to read but most software charts have a zoom function so you can easily read even closely spaced bars while mapping out your Forex trading strategies.
Candlestick charts are very similar to bar charts - they both show high, low, open and closed prices for indicated time periods. Originally developed in Japan for analyzing candlestick contracts, they are very useful for analyzing Forex prices and are therefore a handy "tool" in Forex trading strategy planning. However the color coding makes it easier to read the chart, green candlestick indicates the rising price and the red - the falling price.
The actual candlestick shape in reference to the candlesticks around it will tell you a lot about the price movement and will greatly aid your analysis. Depending on the price spread various patterns will be formed by the candlesticks. Many of the shapes have exotic names, but once you learn the patterns, they are easy to pick out, analyze and use while working out your Forex trading strategies.
Price charts are not usually used alone. To get the full effect, you need to combine them with some technical indicators: trend, strength, volatility and cycle indicators. The most commonly used indicators are:
Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) helps indicate if the market is moving in a trend in either direction and how strong the trend is. If a trend has readings in excess of 25 then it is considered a stronger trend. Effective "tool" when planning your Forex trading strategies.
The Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) shows the relationship between the moving averages which allows you to determine the momentum of the market. Any time that the signal line is crossed by the MACD it is considered to be a strong market.
The Stochastic Oscillator compares the closing price to the price range over a specific time frame to determine the strength or weakness of the market. If a currency has a stochastic of greater than 80 it is considered overbought. However, if the stochastic is under 20 then the currency is considered undersold.
The Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) is a scale from 1 to 100 that compares the high and low prices over time. If the RSI rises above 70 it is considered overbought where as anything below 30 is considered oversold.
The Moving Average is created by comparing the average price for a time period to the average price of other time periods.
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Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex) Trading allows an investor to participate in profitable fluctuations of world currencies. Forex trading works by selecting pairs of currencies and then measuring profit or loss by the fluctuations of one one currency's market activity compared to the other. For example, fluctuations in the value of the $ U.S. Dollar are measured against another world currency such as the British Pound, Eurodollar, Japanese Yen etc. Being able to discern price trends in market activity is the essence of all profitable trading and this is what makes foreign currencies so exciting, currencies are the world's 'best trending' market. This gives Forex investors a profit making edge that is unavailable in most other markets.
Forex Trading is being called 'today's exciting new investment opportunity for the savvy investor'. The reason is that the Forex Trading Market only began to emerge in 1978, when worldwide currencies were allowed to 'float' according to supply and demand, 7 years after the Gold Standard was abandoned. Up until 1995 Forex Trading was only available to banks and large multinational corporations but today, thanks to the proliferation of the computer and a new era of internet-based communication technologies, this highly profitable market is open to everyone. The Forex Trading Market's growth has been unprecedented, explosive, and continues to be unequaled by any other trading market.
Unlike traditional trading which brings buyers and sellers together in a central location (trading floors) in Forex Trading there is no need for a centralized location. Forex is a market where worldwide traders conduct business by high-speed Internet connections with the Interbank Foreign Currency Exchange via Forex Clearinghouses (also called Forex Brokerage Firms). Forex has not only become the fastest growing trading market, but also the most profitable trading marketplace in the world.
Simply stated, Forex is the most profitable because it is the world's largest marketplace. The Foreign Currency market as a whole accounts for over 4 trillion dollars of trading per day (as determined by the fourth Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity, 1998. This figure is understood to be significantly higher today). To put this into perspective, on any given day the Foreign Currency Exchange Market activity is vastly greater than the Stock Market. It is 75 times greater than the New York Stock Exchange where the average total daily value (using 1998 figures) of both foreign and domestic stocks is $16 billion, and much greater than the daily activity on the London Stock Exchange, with $11 billion.
Furthermore, in addition to being the world's largest and most profitable market, The Foreign Currency Exchange Market is the world's most powerful and persistent trading market regardless of negative economic indicators. This is because currencies 'trend' better than every other market due to their macro-economic nature. Unlike many commodities whose supply and demand fundamentals can literally change overnight (as we found in the sudden dot com 'market adjustment' and even more abruptly on September 11, 2001), currency fundamentals are much less random, and far more predictable. This is well illustrated in the way interest rates are changed gradually and only in small increments.
Other examples of fundamental predictability are illustrated by the following statistics. Of the $1.2 trillion day trading in Foreign Currency Exchange, 83% of spot foreign exchange activity and 95% of swap activity involves US Dollars. The Euro is the second most active currency at 37%. The Japanese Yen (24%) and the British Pound Sterling (10%) are ranked third and fourth. The Swiss Franc is 7%, and the Canadian and Australian Dollars account for 3%.
Spot Forex is the type of forex trade in which self-traders concentrate most of their investment activity for reasons that are self-explanatory. By definition, a Spot Forex transaction is a currency trade transaction that has a settlement (liquidation) within a maximum of 2 working days following the closing of the trade. Therefore Spot Forex allows the self-trader high liquidity. Another popular feature for well-advised Spot Forex self-traders is the strong profit potential from continual market fluctuations by buying a specific currency when it is weaker and selling it when it is stronger, and the continual pairing of strong currencies against weak ones. This potential for profit or loss is amplified by the effect of leverage. Leverage is a term that describes what can be achieved when a smaller amount of money controls a much larger amount of money. With regards to Forex Trading for example, a leverage-factor of 100 can allow the trader to hold a 100,000 US Dollar position with a modest 1,000 US Dollar margin deposit. Online Forex day trading focuses its investment activity largely on Spot Forex because of the 'risk manageability' of in-and-out trading plus the potential to generate excellent and highly liquid profits.
"Few financial industries generate as much excitement and profit as currency exchange. Traders around the world enter trades for weeks, days or split seconds, generating explosive moves or steady flows, and money changes hands quickly at a staggering daily average of a trillion US dollars. Forex profitability is legendary. George Soros of Quantum Fund realized a profit in excess of 1 billion dollars for a couple of days work in September 1992. Hans Hufschmid of Soloman Brothers, Inc. netted $28 million for 1993. Even by Wall Street standards, these numbers are heartstoppers".*
Despite its high trading volume and its fundamental role in the world, the Forex Market is rarely in the media limelight because its method of trading transaction is less visible than the Floor of a Stock Exchange. However, trading on the Foreign Currency Exchange Market is today surging into the public awareness, as flocks of internet traders are attracted by the market's inherent profitability and risk manageability. Add to this the absence of geographic or temporal boundaries and vibrantly active Forex market is open to all players.
* "Trading in the Global Currency Markets", Cornelius Luca, 2000
Forex trading education helps you to get fundamental information about market peculiarities.
Reading a foreign exchange quote may seem confusing at first. However, it's really quite simple if you remember two things when starting your Forex trading education:
1) The first currency listed is the base currency
2) The value of the base currency is always 1.
The US dollar is the centerpiece of the Forex market and is normally considered the 'base' currency for quotes. In the "Majors", this includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD. For these currencies and many others, quotes are expressed as a unit of 1 USD per the second currency quoted in the pair. For example, a quote of USD/JPY 120.01 means that one U.S. dollar is equal to 120.01 Japanese yen.
When the U.S. dollar is the base unit and a currency quote goes up, it means the dollar has appreciated in value and the other currency has weakened. If the USD/JPY quote we previously mentioned increases to 123.01, the dollar is stronger because it will now buy more yen than before.
The 3 exceptions to this rule are the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Euro (EUR). In these cases, you might see a quote such as GBP/USD 1.4366, meaning that one British pound equals 1.4366 U.S. dollars.
In these three currency pairs, where the U.S. dollar is not the base rate, a rising quote means a weakening dollar, as it now takes more U.S. dollars to equal one pound, euro or Australian dollar.
In other words, if a currency quote goes higher, that increases the value of the base currency. A lower quote means the base currency is weakening.
Currency pairs that do not involve the U.S. dollar are called cross currencies, but the premise is the same. For example, a quote of EUR/JPY 127.95 signifies that one Euro is equal to 127.95 Japanese yen.
When continuing your Forex trading education, you will often see a two-sided quote, consisting of a 'bid' and 'offer'. The 'bid' is the price at which you can sell the base currency (at the same time buying the counter currency). The 'ask' is the price at which you can buy the base currency (at the same time selling the counter currency).
Once you start your Forex trading education, you will learn to love this word because it is what you will be seeking for the rest of your Forex career. A pip is the smallest denominator of a particular currency pair, so for the above example, if the EUR/USD moves from 1.2150 to 1.2155 then it has moved up 5 pips.
Leverage is a simple concept of Forex trading education. If you have $10,000 to trade with, your Forex broker will let you borrow money from him so that you can trade in larger quantities. They will let you borrow as much as 400 times (400:1) what you put up in a trade. Most brokers allow between 50:1 and 100:1 margin. So, if you put up $1,000, and your broker allows 100:1 margin, then you'll be trading $100,000 worth of currency (instead of $1,000).
That's important, because every pip equals a certain dollar amount. When you trade $10,000, each pip movement equals $1. The chart below shows how it goes from there. If you trade 10,000 worth of currency, each movement would be equal to $1. So if you bought at 1.1445 and sold at 1.1545, you would make 100 x $1, or $100. If you trade $100,000, each pip movement would equal $10 and so on.
There are 2 different ways to trade on the Forex market and many beginners (or those who continue their Forex trading education) are surprised to learn that they can actually make as much money when currency price moves down as when it goes up. Let's start with the most logical movement, when the price moves up.
Most people are very familiar with the concept of buying something at a low price and selling it when the price increases. So the concept of buying the EUR/USD at 1.2150 and selling it at 1.2160 for a 10 pip gain should seem logical. This process is called going long.
You can also do this in reverse! If you know that the currency price is more likely to go down rather than up, you can go short. This is just the opposite of the above transaction, selling it first and buying it back later in the hope that the price will go down for you to make profit.
This may seem strange at first, but the concept remains the same either way. You always want to buy something at a low price, and sell it expensive. The consecution of actions doesn't matter. You must both buy and sell; as long as you sell at a higher price than you buy you make profit. Let us continue our Forex trading education.
The difference between stock markets and the Forex market brokers, is that in the Forex market, broker commissions are either very low or zero. So how do the ?? make money? They make it from the "spread" - difference between the actual price and the offered price through a broker.
On the right you can see a typical board of currency pairs and their spreads. This one is taken from our feed this morning, and you can see the difference between the Offer (the price you can place on a sell order) and the Bid (the price you can place on a buy order) is 3 pips (the spread).
What does this mean to you though? Well, let's look at the board. If you bought the EUR/USD at 1.2158 as it is offered under the Offer column, and immediately sold it again before the price moved, you would only get 1.2155 as is shown in the Bid column. So the net result is -3 pips, or a loss to you, and a profit to the broker. Remember to always take the spread into account when placing a trade, setting targets and stop losses.
Once (you have) started your Forex trading education, you will constantly see the terms "Bears" and "Bulls" in Forex books and chat rooms. These are terms that describe the general mood of the market. A "bear" market, is when the general mood of the market is down, i.e. when there are more sellers than buyers in the marketplace. A "bull market" is the opposite, when there are more buyers than sellers and the general mood of the market is up. Forex is a place where bulls and bears struggle, and if you can identify who is gaining the upper hand, then you can identify the direction of the price. Easier said than done, of course. There are many more areas to cover, this should help those only starting Forex trading education.
Forex market, is an around-the-clock cash market where the currencies of nations are bought and sold. Forex trading is always done in currency pairs. For example, you buy Euros, paying with U.S. Dollars, or you sell Canadian Dollars for Japanese Yen. The value of your Forex investment increases or decreases because of changes in the currency exchange rate or Forex rate. These changes can occur at any time, and often result from economic and political events. Using a hypothetical Forex investment, this article shows you how to calculate profit and loss in Forex trading. Let's push your Forex trading education to a new level together.
To understand how the exchange rate can affect the value of your Forex investment, you need to learn how to read a Forex quote. Forex quotes are always expressed in pairs. In the following example, your pair of currencies is the U.S. Dollar (USD) and the Canadian Dollar (CAD). The Forex quote, USD/CAD = 170.50, means that one U.S. Dollar is equal to 170.50 Canadian Dollars. The currency to the left of the "/" (USD in this example) is referred to as base currency and its value is always 1. The currency to the right of the "/" (CAD in this example) is referred to as the counter currency. In this example, one USD can buy 170.50 CAD, because it is the stronger of the two currencies. The U.S. Dollar is regarded as the central currency of the Forex market, and it is always treated as the base currency in any Forex quote where it is one of the pairs.
Welcome to a straight-to-the-point article on MYGBIT cloud mining. MYGBIT cloud mining is an actual company in Turkey, they have a massive facility with all the hardware and software required to mine Ethereum(see pictures and videos here). So if we go to their website at straight away, you can see they have a PDF presentation and also a video presentation that you can have a look at. What I really like about MYGBIT is their bounty program which allows you to actually get a free hashrate without inviting someone or referring someone to this program.
So simply just by sharing their materials to Facebook gets you one hash rate, connecting to their telegram channel also gets you one hash rate, sharing it to your blog or website will give you five hash rate, and creating a YouTube promotional video can get you 10 hash rate. By getting started is pretty easy you just sign up and log into your account you purchase hash rate and you can start making money straight away in MYGBIT. You can dive right into their bounty program to earn that free hash rate. After your payment is confirmed you will start mining immediately and the first payouts happen within 24 hours. Withdrawals are instantly but keep in mind the minimum withdrawal is $10 USD.
There are no hidden fees or any other commissions attached to this. If you scroll down on their site you will find their hashrate calculator, currently, the minimum hashrate is 10 which will cost you $60 USD. For instance, want to buy 20 hashrates it will cost you $120 USD. MYGBIT will also give you an estimate of your daily, monthly, annual, and 3-year income that you will earn from them so, in my opinion, this is a great opportunity for an investor. It’s also a great opportunity for someone who is a great team builder and has a strong network. At the end of the day, it’s still up to you if you’re going to be inviting or referring someone to this program which has some great benefits to it. To conclude this article always keep in mind this is not financial advice and always do your homework before investing in any online platform.
Trading foreign currencies is a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for educated and experienced investors. However, before deciding to participate in the Forex market, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. Most importantly, do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.
There is considerable exposure to risk in any foreign exchange transaction. Any transaction involving currencies involves risks including, but not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price or liquidity of a currency.
More over, the leveraged nature of FX trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional effect on your deposited funds. This may work against you as well as for you. The possibility exists that you could sustain a total loss of initial margin funds and be required to deposit additional funds to maintain your position. If you fail to meet any margin call within the time prescribed, your position will be liquidated and you will be responsible for any resulting losses. Investors may lower their exposure to risk by employing risk-reducing strategies such as 'stop-loss' or 'limit' orders.
Central Bank Rates
![]() | USD 0.25% |
![]() | EUR 1.25% |
![]() | JPY 0.10% |
| GBP 0.50% |
| CHF 0.50% |
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now it is time for your money to work harder for you "
Robert T.Kiyosaki
Trading Forex Objective
The primary objective of FOREX MANAGER2U or ("Manager") is to generate a realized profit between 1% and 5% per month OR HIGHER % for FOREX MANAGER2U’s privately managed account holders ("Investors") by utilizing FOREX MANAGER2U’s proprietary trading system in the spot currency market. Profit generate every day / every month is different base on lot setting every trade , daily volatility of cuurency pair and trading strategy .
Trading Strategy
FOREX MANAGER2U’s trading model is based on mathematically derived algorithms designed specifically to maximize any potential profit and minimize any potential loss. While this system is proprietary and highly guarded, there are several aspects that can be disclosed. FOREX MANAGER2U only trades currencies that are backed by countries with strong economies and stable governments. FOREX MANAGER2U will never trade emerging market currencies that may see volatility of double digit gains or losses overnight. By focusing on currencies like the U.S. Dollar, Euro, Canadian Dollar, AUD Dollar, GBP and Swiss Franc, (“The Six major pairs”) the portfolio manager is able to analyze the amplitude associated with various currency pairs and execute trades that take advantage of highly predictable ranges that such currencies often maintain relative to one another. FOREX MANAGER2U uses leverage as most foreign exchange traders do, but to a much lesser extent. The system uses leverage primarily to increase portfolio diversification. To further reinforce the concept of limiting the use of leverage, it is important to understand that the algorithm used by FOREX MANAGER2U mitigates an enormous amount of the risk that most Forex traders are exposed to by significantly limiting the possibility of a margin call.
The Opportunity (Peluang)
Foreign Exchange Trading, often referred to as "Forex" is not only the biggest market in the world, it is often said to provide the best opportunities. The daily volume of over $3 trillion in the Forex market dwarfs the total combined volume of the Nikkei, NASDAQ, FTSE, NYSE, and DAX. Additionally, the market is open twenty-four hours per day, from Sunday 7 pm ET to 4:00 pm (EST) on Friday afternoon.
FOREX MANAGER2U was organised by experienced forex trader using manual trading strategy and automatic trading strategy ( expert advisor )
FX account Requirements
At this time FOREX MANAGER2U is accepting new clients with a minimum account balance of $1500.00 USD
Fees & Expenses: There are no front-loaded fees. As provided in FOREX MANAGER2U's account management agreement, the Manager shall receive a monthly success fee of 40% of profits based on the performance of the Client's account at FXDD or any metatrader4 platform. It should be noted that no success fee will be paid if the customer does not have New Net Trading Profits in a period of trading .
Deposits & Withdrawals: Investors may deposit additional funds into or withdraw funds from their account at FXDD at any time. However, the Manager strongly recommends that Investors provide FOREX MANAGER2U with not less than fifteen (15) days notice before withdrawing funds in order to optimize the trading algorithm.
Economic crisis is chocking the market with its strong grip all over the world. The markets are full of uncertainty, banks are unwilling to “defreeze” credits and people panic about their savings. When equities markets turned to risky investments for both financial institutions and individuals, is there any kind of investment that is still considered safe?
Forex trading, in my opinion, is the safest investment option available today. Many financial institutions and traders consider foreign currency holdings as the most secure investment option. When couple of years ago an middle class individual wouldn’t even dream about entering forex market, today private investors enjoy the appealing forex investment opportunities.
Trading forex gives everyone a chance to enter the real business world. Assets are fully liquid and the biggest advantage of them all – the ability to trade long or short on the week days, 24 hours a day. Some forex brokers go even further and offer trading possibilities even when market is closed. Even with a small deposit forex trader can earn generous amount via leverage options.
Forex trading holds a healthy investing potential for every investor around the world. Of course the draw back of forex lays in the fact that not many are familiar with the trading environment and not many have time to educate themselves about it. After all, forex trading requires a lot of learning and practice. When people need investing solutions at the time of uncertainty, learning is the last thing on everyone’s mind, no matter how worthy forex trading is.
Forex trading is not gambling – you cannot simply put a “bet” on two currencies and wait for the results. Well, actually you can do so, but this will result in a very quick loss of your funds. Currency trading is full of technical terms that have to be memorized and fully understood and for new traders this can also be a big minus.
However, I still think that the pain of learning forex trading is worth even second of it. With a professional assistance of forex broker learning process can safe some time and energy and new forex traders can enjoy the investment opportunities right from their own home.
Another good question is whether financial crisis has or will eventually have any strong impact on forex brokers? After all, if you start forex trading, you have to trust your forex broker to take care of your funds and profits! Is it wise to stop trading at all during economic uncertainty?
I cannot guarantee anything and I don’t know how other traders are handling the economic situation, but I haven’t stopped trading (although the spreads and swap rates are outrageous). So far every withdrawal request has been processed without problems and I keep my profits save by withdrawing them every chance I have got! Of course, I loose money because of the withdrawing fees and trading with small amounts isn’t too attractive, but at least I am not scared every time I open my trading platform! My heart is free when I have nothing to loose.
WATERS NEWS - 5 May 2009
Gain Launches in UK, Europe
Gain Capital Holdings has launched, its online currency trading service, in the UK and Europe. enables customers to trade the world's major currencies, including the British pound, the euro and the US dollar, as well as gold and silver, 24 hours a day, five days a week.Glenn Stevens, CEO of Gain Capital, says: "Forex is a trader's market, and retail investors around the world are increasingly aware of all this market has to offer. has established a strong leadership position in the US and we believe our service will be well-received by traders in the UK and European markets looking for a well-capitalized firm that offers premium trading tools and research, competitive pricing and a solid reputation."
Matthew Wright, regional director of UK, adds: "As a result of the financial crisis, retail investors have lost faith in the stock markets and are unhappy with low interest rates on savings. In lieu of traditional investments, research shows retail investors are increasingly looking at alternative asset classes such as forex as an opportunity to generate positive returns."
Memahami Forex
Untuk memahami forex dengan lebih mendalam, sila teruskan membaca artikel mengenai penjelasan asas dan informasi mengenai pasaran Forex yang khusus.
Pada mulanya membaca mengenai pertukaran wang asing ini agak memeningkan, namun ia sebenarnya agak mudah jika anda mengingati du perkara: 1) Matawang pertama disenaraikan adalah asas matawang dan 2) nilai matawang adalah sentiasa 1.
Matawang US Dollar adalah boleh dikatakan asas sebagai pembahagi untuk matawang lain. Untuk matawang utama termasuk USD/JPY, USD/CHF dan USD/CAD. Untuk matawang ini dan kebanyakan matawang yang lain, nilai unit dia adalah dalam $1 USD per matawang dengan matawang kedua itu. Sebagai contoh, USD/JPY 120.01 bermaksud 1 USD Dollar sama dengan 120.01 Yen Jepun.
Bila US Dollar sebagai unit asas dan matawangmeningkat naik, ini bermaksud nilai Dollar telah melemahkan matawang yang lain. Jika USD/JPY sebelumnya telah meningkat kepada 123.01, nilai Dollar menjadi kukuh kerana sekarang ia boleh membeli lebih banyak Yen dari sebelumnya.
Terdapat tiga pengecualian dari peraturan untuk British pound (GBP), Australian dollar (AUD) dan Euro (EUR). Dalam kes ini, anda akan melihat sebagai contoh GBP/USD 1.4366, bermaksud satu British pound adalah sama dengan 1.4366 US Dollars.
Dalam tiga pasangan matawang ini, dimana US Dollar tidak lagi menjadi kadar asas, dimana peningkatan nilai tiga matawang ini akan melemahkan matawang US Dollar, ia membenarkan mengambil lebih nilai US Dollar untuk satu Pound, Euro atau pun Australian Dollar.
Dengan kata lain, jika matawang tersebut meningkat naik, peningkatan nilai matawang itu akan kukuh dan jika matawang itu menurun, maknanya matawang itu menjadi lemah.
Matawang yang tidak terlibat dengan US Dollar dipanggil matawang silang, tapi ia tetap sama. Contoh EUR/JPY 127.95 bermakna satu Euro bersamaan dengan 127.95 Yen Jepun.
Bila anda melakukan “trading” dalam Forex, anda dapat lihat terdapat dua bahagian dimana terdapat ‘bid’ dan ‘offer’. ‘Bid’ bermaksud anda boleh melakukan jualan kepada matawang tersebut ( pada masa yang sama anda membeli matawang yang kedua). ‘Ask’ pula adalah bermaksud anda boleh melakukan belian kepada matawang tersebut (pada masa yang sama anda menjual matawang kedua).
Belajar untuk menyukai perkataan ini, kerana inilah yang anda akan cari dalam kerjaya Forex anda. Pip adalah nilai terkecil dalam semua perbezaan matawang, jadi jika ianya bergerak keatas, sebagai contoh EUR/USD bergerak dari 1.2150 ke 1.2155, bermakna ianya bergerak sebanyak 5 pips.
“Leverage” ialah satu konsep yang mudah, Jika anda mempunyai $10,000 untuk “trade” anda, broker Forex anda akan membenarkan anda meminjam duit dari mereka jadi anda boleh “trade” dengan nilai kuantiti yang lebih besar. Mereka boleh meminjamkan kepada anda sehingga 400 kali ganda (400:1) untuk anda letak dalam “trade” anda. Kebanyakan broker Forex akan membenarkan anda antara 50:1 dan 100:1 untuk margin. Jika anda memasukkan $1,000 dan broker anda memberi dan membenarkan 100:1 margin, anda akan “trade” dalam “trading” anda sebanyak $100,000 padahal nilai sebenar anda hanya lah $1,000 sahaja.
Ini adalah amat penting kerana setiap pips adalah sama dengan nilai dalam jumlah Dollar. Bila anda “trade” $10,000, setiap pip yang bergerak adalah bernilai $1. Gambar rajah dibawah menunjukkan bagaimana ianya berlaku. Jika anda “trade” 10,000 nilai matawang itu, setiap pergerakkan bernilai $1. Jadi jika anda membuat belian pada 1.1445 dan menjual kembali pada harga 1.1545, anda sudah mendapat 100 x $1, atau $100. Jika anda “trade” dengan nilai $100,000, setiap pergerakan pip adalah bernilai $10 dan seterusnya.
Sekarang terdapat dua cara untuk anda melakukan “trade” di pasaran Forex, dan terdapat banyak “trader” baru yang terkejut kerana mereka sebenarnya boleh mendapat banyak wang apabila matawang bergerak keatas mahupun kebawah. Mari kita mulakan secara logik apabila matawang itu bergerak keatas.
Kebanyakan orang sudah faham dan tahu dengan konsep untuk membeli sesuatu dengan harga rendah dan menjual balik bila harga meningkat tinggi. Jadi konsep membeli EUR/USD pada 1.2150 dan menjual balik pada 1.2160 dengan peningkatan 10 pips, ini dipanggil “Long”.
Bagaimanapun anda boleh melakukan ini juga secara terbalik. Jika anda rasakan yang matawang ini akan menurun lebih dari meningkat naik, anda boleh membuat “Short”. Ini hanya lah membuat secara bertentangan dari yang diatas, jual dahulu dan beli kemudian dengan harapan agar harga akan menurun untuk anda mendapat keuntungan.
Ini mungkin agak aneh dan ganjil untuk sesiapa yang masih baru mendengar perkara seperti ini, tetapi konsep nya tetap sama yang akan anda sentiasa membeli sesuatu dengan harga yang rendah dan menjual kembali pada harga yang tinggi. Tidak kira apa jua yang anda “order”, sumua transaksi mestilah cukup sifatnya dimana yang anda mesti mempunyai transaksi bila beli mesti jual kembali, selagi anda menjual pada harga yang tinggi anda akan sentiasa mendapat keuntungan.
Perbezaan antara broker Bursa saham dan broker Forex adalah kerana komisen. Broker Forex anda yang mengenakan sedikit komisen dan ada yang tidak mengenakan sebarang komisen. Jadi macam mana mereka membuat duit? Sebab itu lah broker Forex mengenakan “spread” iaitu perbezaan antara harga sebenar dengan harga yang ditawarkan oleh broker Forex.
Disini anda akan dapat melihat “board” biasa mengenai matawang dan juga “spread”. Ini diambil dari sumber kami pada pagi ini., dan anda akan dapat melihat contoh perbezaan antara “Offer” (harga yang anda akan tempatkan untuk “Sell order”) dan “Bid” (harga dimana anda akan tempatkan “Buy order”) adalah 3 nilai “spread” nya.
Walau apa pun apakah ertinya kepada anda? Jadi mari kita tengok dekat “board”, jika anda membeli EUR/USD pada 1.2158 yang ditawarkan pada kolum “Offer” dan dengan jual nya kembali dengan cepat sebelum hara bergerak,anda hanya akan mendapat pada harga 1.2155 seperti yang ditunjukkan di kolum “Bid”. Jadi hasilnya anda mendapat -3 pips, dan ianya adalah kerugain bagi anda dan keuntungan pada broker. Ingat untuk sentiasa meletakkan nilai “spread” itu dalam akaun anda apabila anda ingin meletakkan “order”, “set target” dan juga “Stop loss”.
Anda pasti akan kehairanan melihat perkataan “Bears” dan “Bulls” pada buku Forex dan juga laman chat, kenapa mereka memperkatakan mengenai haiwan ini dalam urusan “trading” mereka. Pengertian ia sangat meluas dalam pasaran Forex. “Bears” adalah dimana pasaran dalam keadaaan harga pasaran menurun, contoh bila terdapat ramai yang melakukan “Sell” dari “Buy” di pasaran. “Bull” pula adalah keadaan dimana nilai pasaran dalam keadaan menaik, dimana ram,ai yang melakukkan “Buy” dari yang melakukan “Sell” di pasaran.
Forex dan juga pasaran lain akan hanya menahan antara “Bull” dan “Bears”. Jika anda dapat mengenali seseorang yang boleh melakukan lonjakan atau anda dapat membaca pergerakan arah, sudah pasti anda lebih mudah untuk melakukan nya.
Jadi yang diatas itu hanya lah asas sahaja, terdapat banyak lagi yang perlu anda pelajari untuk membantu anda. Jika terdapat sesuatu bab yang saya tertinggal dan anda ingin membacanya, sila tuliskan di bahagian komen dibawah dan saya akan cuba untuk meletakan artikel ini jika boleh.
Dipasaran Forex ini, dimana pergerakkan matawang seluruh Negara didunia di beli dan dijual. Forex sentiasa menumpukan pada pasangan matawang. Sebagai contoh jika anda melakukan transaksi “Buy” pada Euro dan membayar menggunakan US Dollar, atau anda melakukan “Sell” untuk Canadian Dollar untuk Yen Jepun. Nilai pelaburan Forex ini meningkat dan menurun adalah kerana kadar pertukaran matawang atau kadar Forex. Pertukaran ini boleh berlaku bila-bila masa sahaja dan kerap kali kerana disebabkan oleh pengaruh ekonomi dan juga permainan politik. Dengan “hypothetical Forex Investment” akan menunjukkan anda bagaimana untuk mengira keuntungan dan kerugian dalam “trading” Forex.
Untuk memahami bagaimana kadar matawang ini memberi kesan keatas nilai pelaburan Forex anda, anda mesti mempelajari bagaimana sifat Forex. Sifat Forex sentiasa aktif dan berpasangan. Sebagai contoh, US Dollar dengan Canadian Dollar. Contoh, USD/CAD = 170.50 bermaksud satu US Dollar bersamaan dengan 170.50 Canadian Dollar.Matawang yang berada di sebelah kiri, “/” (USD sebagai contoh) adalah sentiasa bersamaan dengan 1. Matawang yang berada di sebelah kanan “/” (CAD sebagai contoh) adalah matawang kedua. Contoh satu Dollar anda boleh membeli 170.50 CAD, kerana ianya lebih kukuh dengan dua matawang. US Dollar dianggap sebagai matawang tengah dalam pasaran Forex dan sentiasa menjadi pasangan kepada matawang-matawang yang lain.
Sekarang kita terus tumpukan pada “hypothetical Forex investment” yang akan menunjukkan kepada anda jika anda boleh mendapat keuntungan atas jangka masa pendek “trading” Forex. Sebagai contoh, pasangan matawang adalah US Dollar dan juga Euro. Kadar Forex untuk EUR/USD pada 26 Ogos 2006 adalah 1.8057 yabg bermaksud satu US Dollar sama dengan 1.0857 Euros dan jika anda membeli pada ketika itu, dengan harga 1,000 Euros, anda akan dibayar pada harga $1,0857 Euros.
Setahun kemudian, kadar untuk EUR/USD menjadi 1.2083 dengan nilai Euro telah meningkat lagi dengan berpasangan dengan USD. Jika anda menjual 1,000 Euros setahun kemudian, anda akan mendapat $1,208.30 yang bermakna $122.60 lebih tinggi dari apa yang anda dapat dari tahun lepas.
Sebaliknya, jika kadar Forex selepas setahun untuk EUR/USD = 1.0576 dengan nilai Euro telah menurun dengan berpasangan dengan US Dollar. Jika anda menjual 1,000 Euros pada ketika itu, anda akan mendapat $1,057.60 yang bermakna $28.10 kurang dari yang anda akan dapat dari tahun lepas.
Teknik-Teknik Forex
Dalam “trading” FOREX terdapat dua jenis arahan untuk analisis yang selalu digunakan kebanyakan “trader” iaitu analisis asas dan juga analisis teknikal. Analisis asas meramal berpandukan kepada pergerakan matawang oleh faktor politik dan juga ekonomi sesebuah negara. Analisis teknikal pula meramal berpandukan pada maklumat sejarah ekonomi dan juga ramalan pada pasaran FOREX.
Kebanyakan “trader” FOREX menganalisis untuk strategi “trading” mereka. Disini kita akan bincangkan mengenai Analisis fundamental Selepas membaca artikel ini anda akan lebih memahami tentang analisis asas dan kegunaannya dalam sebahagian strategi FOREX.
Perubahan dalam politik dan ekonomi adalah asas kepada analisis fundamental. Ia akan dapat mempengaruhi harga matawang. “Trader” yang mengambil kesempatan atas analisis fundamental ini akan mendapat sumber dari pelbagai sumber berita. Mereka akan mencari maklumat mengenai ramalan kadar penganguran, ideologi-ideologi politik, ekonomi politik, inflasi, dan kadar perkembangan.
Analisis fundamental akan menyediakan anda dengan gambaran keseluruhan pergerakan matawang dan keadaan serta gambaran mengenai keadaan ekonomi. Seterusnya kebanyakan “trader” akan membandingkan analisis fundamental mereka dengan analisis teknikal untuk masuk dan keluar pasaran serta mengesahkan maklumat yang telah disediakan oleh analisis fundamental mereka.
Seperti kebanyakan pasaran, pasaran FOREX dikawal oleh permintaan dan juga penawaran. Banyak faktor ekonomi yang mempengaruhi permintaan dan penawaran tetapi terdapat dua yang paling kritikal iaitu kadar faedah dan juga kekuatan ekonomi itu sendiri. Semua kekuatan yang berlaku dalam ekonomi dipengaruhi oleh pertukaran dalam GDP, baki dagangan dan juga jumlah pelabur asing.
Terdapat banyak petunjuk ekonomi yang dibenarkan oleh kerajaan sumber-sumber akademik. Petunjuk ini biasa nya digunakan merujuk kepada bulanan tetapi kadang-kadang akan digunakan untuk mingguan. Ini bagi memastikan kestabilan ekonomi senang diikuti oleh semua “trader”.
Terdapat banyak petunjuk yang dibenarkan tetapi yang amat penting dan biasanya adalah seperti berikut: kadar faedah, perdagangan antarabangsa, CPI, barangan tahan lama, PPI, PMI dan juga “order” runcit.
Kadar Faedah – boleh menyebabkan satu mata wang untuk sama ada mengukuhkan atau melemahkan bergantung pada pergerakan. Dalam kadar faedah yang tinggi sesetengah kes akan menarik wang asing, bagaimanapun kadar faedah yang tinggi akan sering menyebabkan pelabur-pelabur pasaran saham untuk menjual portfolio-portfolio mereka. Mereka mempercayakan bahawa kos yang tinggi dari pinjaman wang akan menjejaskan banyak syarikat. Jika pelabur-pelabur menjual holdings mereka akan menyebabkan kemerosotan dalam pasaran dan secara negatif menjejaskan ekonomi.
Disebabkan oleh dua perkara yang akan menjejaskan akan mengambil tempat bergantung pada banyak faktor-faktor yang rumit, tetapi biasanya satu perjanjian di kalangan pemerhati-pemerhati dipersetujui untuk memerhati perubahan semasa kadar faedah yang akan menjejaskan ekonomi awam dan harga mata wang.
Perdagangan Antarabangsa – Jika satu defisit perdagangan (lebih banyak yang diimport daripada dieskport) ia selalunya dianggap satu penunjuk yang negatif. Ini bermakna satu defisit perdagangan yang bermaksud bahawa wang keluar dari negara untuk membeli barang-barang asing dan sedang memasuki negara dan ini boleh mempengaruhi matawang tersebut. Biasanya ketidakseimbangan perdagangan telah difaktorkan untuk dijadikan sebagai pertimbangan pasaran. Jika sebuah negara biasanya beroperasi dengan satu defisit perdagangan ia sepatutnya tidak mempengaruhi harga mata wang. Harga mata wang biasanya hanya wujud sekiranya terdapat perbezaan perdagangan apabila defisit adalah lebih besar daripada pasaran.
Pengukuran kos sara hidup (CPI) dan kos mengeluarkan barangan (PPI) adalah beberapa penunjuk penting yang lain. Anda harus juga melihat pada GDP untuk memastikan nilai keseluruhan barangan yang dihasilkan dalam sesebuah negara dan bekalan wang M2 untuk memastikan jumlah keseluruhan matawang negara itu.
Di US terdapat 28 penunjuk utama, ini boleh memberi kesan yang kuat ke atas pasaran kewangan dan seharusnya dilihat dengan teliti. Maklumat ini boleh didapati banyak di internet dan ia disediakan oleh kebanyakan broker.
Bentuk lain untuk analisis adalah melalui teknikal analisis. Teknikal analisis ini adalah berpandukan kepada andaian-andaian berikut:
1. Pergerakan harga adalah satu hasil kuasa gabungan pasaran. Peristiwa-peristiwa politik, keadaan ekonomi, naik turun bermusim, penawaran dan permintaan semua benda akan memberi kesan pada harga mata wang. Para penganalisis teknikal tidak akan melibatkan diri mereka sendiri dengan persoalan arah tujuan pasaran, mereka hanya meminati gerakan mereka sendiri.
2. Matawang di pasaran FOREX akan mengikut trend pasaran. Akibat dari itu boleh diramal kerana ia mempunyai banyak kaitan dengan jenis pasaran.
3. Sejarah trend juga boleh digunakan untuk menentukan pergerakan harga semasa. Data pada pasaran FOREX telah dikumpulkan sejak dari 100 tahun dahulu, disebabkan oleh pola-pola tertentu ia baru muncul. Psikologi manusia dan cara orang menanggapi keadaan tertentu adalah dasar corak-corak ini.
Kebanyakan “trader” akan menimbang teknikal analisis ini untuk menjadi kepentingan kritikal walaupun mereka boleh juga menggunakan analisis fundamental untuk menyokong dan mengesahkan strategi yang disarankan oleh analisis teknikal. Berbeza dengan analisis fundamental, analisis teknikal boleh dimohon oleh pelbagai matawang berbeza dan pasaran-pada masa yang sama. Sejak analisis fundamental memerlukan pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang keadaan ekonomi dan politik sebuah negara tertentu, adalah mustahil untuk sebarang “trader” untuk melaksanakan analisis fundamental dengan lebih lanjut untuk beberapa negara.
Untuk “trder” baru kerumitan-kerumitan analisis teknikal mungkin kelihatan banyak dan mereka boleh juga tertanya sekiranya ia diperlukan. Jika anda mahu berjaya di pasaran FOREX, anda mesti mempunyai strategi. Sebarang strategi boleh digunakan tetapi analisis teknikal telah terbukti sebagai satu sumber yang boleh dipercayai dan amat efektif untuk meramal perubahan pasaran. Banyak yang boleh memberi kesan kepada harga matawang jadi analisis teknikal juga tidak dapat memberi jaminan, dan kebanyakan “trader” yang berjaya akan menggabungkan analisis teknikal dan analisis fundamental.
Sebarang kualiti FOREX dalam talian seharusnya dapat membekalkan anda dengan pelbagai jenis carta dalam talian untuk analisis teknikal. Anda boleh membeli carta dalaman professional, di sana biasanya yuran bulanan dikenakan untuk mendapatkan akses pada maklumat ini. Terdapat juga perisan secara percuma yang akan menolong anda dalam membaca chart. Carta terdapat pelbagai perbezaan dalam tempoh yang berbeza dan tertentu, dan boleh juga menggunakan hamparan analitikal. Carta ini boleh juga akan memberikan pandangan yang luas dan dekat kepada tahap anda. Carta yang bagus akan selalu sentiasa kemaskini pada masa yang betul. Ini mungkin terdapat pada broker anda atau salah satu dari perisan yang diberikan.
Anda harus belajar tentang pasaran dan juga mengenali “trend” sebelum anda memulakan “trading” anda. Kebanyakan broker anda akan membekalkan kepada anda akaun untuk latihan dimana anda boleh memulakan “trading” anda menggunakan wang maya untuk demo supaya anda tidak kehilangan wang nyata anda nanti. Mereka memberikan akaun ini untuk anda melihat setakat mana kemampuan dan kefahaman anda sebelum anda menempuh akaun sebenar. Ia juga bagi membiasakan anda dengan broker dan perisian supaya anda dapat belajar pergerakan pasaran tanpa memikirkan risiko. Bab yang kedua untuk artikel ini kita akan mengkaji pelbagai carta dan panduan teknikal.
Carta harfa adalah mudah dengan carta garis, carta bar dan juga carta “candlestick”. Ini adalah carta yang akan menunjukan harga semasa dengan tempoh masa tertentu. Tempoh masa ini adalah dari minit hingga ke tahun atau sebarang masa diantaranya.
Carta garis adalah yang paling senang untuk dibaca, ia akan menunjukkan kepada anda pergerakan pada setiap harga. Ia akan menunjukan waktu harga ditutup untuk satu masa khusus dengan mudah tetapi tidak bagi carta bar dan juga carta “candlestick”.
Untuk carta bar, ia akan menunjukkan kepada anda perbezaan harga itu pada sepanjang masa tersebut. Semakin besar bar itu, semakin besar perbezaan antara harga tinggi dan rendah. Ia adalah mudah untuk memberitahu yang sebelah kiri adalah harga pembukaan dan sebelah lagi adalah harga penutupan.Carta bar juga akan memberi anda harga yang variasi. Bila carta bar tertera, ianya boleh menjadi sukar untuk dibaca tetapi kebanyakan perisian carta memfokuskan jadi ianya akan menjadi lebih mudah untuk membaca jarak antara bar berikut.
Asal carta “candlestick” ini adalah dari Negara Jepununtuk menganalisa dan amat berguna untuk analisis harga FOREX. Carta “candlestick” agak sama dengan carta bar kerana kedua-duanya menunjukkan tinggi, rendah, buka dan tutup harga untuk menunjukkan masa. Bagaimanapun, carta yang berwarna ini lebih senang untuk dibaca untuk carta “candlestick”, dan secara normalnya ia berwarna hijau mewakili “candlestick” yang mengalami kenaikan sementara warna merah menunjukkan penurunan harga.
“Candlestick” sebenarnya akan merujuk dan memberitahu anda tentang pergerakan harga dan ianya sangat membantu dalam analisa anda. Bergantung pada harga “spread”, pelbagai jenis corak akan diberitahu melalui “candlestick”. Banyak nama-nama yang lebih eksotik tetapi bila anda mempelajari jenis corak ianya akan menjadi lebih mudah untuk anda membuat analisis.
Carta harga biasanya tidak digunakan bagi diri sendiri untuk mendapatkan kesemua penjelasan yang anda perlukan tetapi dengan sedikit bantuan dari petunjuk teknikal. Petunjuk teknikal secara normal dikumpulkan bersama dengan kategori-kategori yang luas. Kebanyakannya diguna untuk memerhati dan mengesan pergerakan pasaran seperti: “trend indicators, strength indicators, volatility indicators dan cycle indicators”.
Disini terdapat beberapa senarai “indicators” yang selalu digunakan sebagai satu huraian.
Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) – Indeks ini membantu menunjukkan pergerakan pasaran dalam “trend” sama ada arah atau betapa kuat “trend” tersebut. Jika “trend” menunjukkan bacaan melebihi 25, itu menunjukkan “trend” itu kuat.
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) – Ini pula akan menunjukan hubungan antara “moving average” yang membenarkan anda menentukan momentum pada pasaran. Bila masa garis isyarat menyeberangi atau melintasi MACD itu sudah dikira sebagai “trend” yang kuat.
Stochastic Oscillator – Ini adalah perbandingan penutupan harga pada satu tempoh masa tertentu untuk menentukan sama ada ianya kukuh ataupun lemah. Jika matawang itu lebih besar dari 80, ia sudah dikira sebagai “overbought” dan jika ianya berada dibawah nilai 20, ianya sudah dikira sebagai “oversold”.
Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) – Skala ini adalah dari 1 ke 100 untuk menentukan tinggi dan rendah harga. Jika RSI itu berada diatas garis 70, ia sudah dikira sebagai “overbought” dan jika ianya berada dibawah garis 30, ianya sudah dikira sebagai “oversold”.
Moving Average – Ia dicipta untuk membandingkan purata harga satu masa dengan purata harga untuk masa yang berlainan.